5 Ways To Feel Better About Your Blog

Fashion Fade Magazine might just be over a year old, but us writers behind it have plenty of blogging experience, and today we want to give you some tips on how to feel better about your blog!

In a world where we see everybody's highlight reel, it's easy to become envious and feel down about our own efforts, so much so that you might even want to quit at times. Well, we're here to help you when you're in that blogging slump and in this article we have suggested five things that you can do to get out of it. 

Have a Re-design
Sometimes a little face lift is all what is needed! You look at your blog the most and over time it can start to feel a little stale. Some simple changes to your blog design or layout can quickly give it a new lease of life!

If you don't want to do all the html by yourself (it can be pretty scary but googling things really helps) then you can get some really great pre-made blog designs if you know where to look! We love ThemeXpose for professional (and free) designs!

Increase Your Views By Commenting On Others
Would more views and comments make you feel happier about your blog? Well sometimes it's the case that you only get what you give! So go read blogs and leave more comments than you usually would and we guarantee that you'll see a rise in views and comments yourself.

When it comes to leaving comments, we'd advise not leaving a "follow for a follow" or anything like that which can be seen as spam, but instead actually read the post and leave a comment that is relevant to it. Then sign off your comment with your name and your blog url, simple!

Also, those with a larger audience will often receive a lot of comments through their social media, so you might find better results if you search for blogs that are on par with your own, you never know you might find some new favourites too!

Focus on your skills, not your following
We know it's hard to compete with the bloggers that look like models and have professional photographers following them around on their weekends, but this doesn't mean you can't up your game even when these guys seem to be in a different league!

There are a few things that you can do to instantly improve your own photos.

1) Get to know your camera - Even if your camera is just your phone, you should still learn about the basics which include exposure, iso, aperture and shutter speed! Google is your best friend.

2) Find the best lighting - If you have to take photos inside, do it in front of a window. If you're heading outside, find some shade or use the golden hour with the sun to your back so you don't have any harsh shadows on your face.

3) Give yourself a break - Learning photography is a serious skill and if you're not even behind the camera and using a tripod, then it can be even harder to get right. It takes time and trial and error so don't beat yourself up about it!

If it's not your photos that are lacking, maybe it's your writing and in this case you can make your writing more personal so to let your readers really get to know the real you. Or maybe it's that you're not being true with your personal style, embracing your own style rather than trying to copy others is what will set you apart. Being honest pays.

Take a Break
If blogging is really getting you down then take a break! Nothing bad is going to happen if you do and you're not going to lose all of your readers. Sometimes it's really good to get away from the internet for a bit and come back with a fresh perspective.

See How Great Your Blog Really Is
You probably don't realise it, but your blog is actually pretty great! It's true that some people have readers in their millions and are raking in the dosh, but there are plenty of positives to not having masses of people reading about your life!

For one, the more attention your blog gets, the more negative attention it will attract. This is unfortunately how the internet works at the moment and all those amazingly talented bloggers who have done well for themselves have to put up with a lot of hate too just because some people don't realise that blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter.

Having a smaller audience also means it's easier for you to connect with them and build more personal relationships with other bloggers. Take the time to comment back and read the blogs of the bloggers that read yours and you'll feel much more positive about your blog. A lot of people do like to look up to celebrities and instagram-famous bloggers, but it's also true that they are more likely to identify with someone who they see as more of an "equal" and someone they can relate too.

It's also easier for blogs without millions of readers to switch things up without aggravating people. If you want to add in a book review for example, you won't get a bunch of people complaining about it. You can experiment with your blog and make it as varied as you like. Large, dedicated audiences get very attached to the way you were doing things when they started to follow you and it can be the case that if you don't change, some will complain you're getting boring and if you do change then some will say that they miss the "old" you. You can't win as you can never please everyone! It's a lot of pressure trying to please so many people!

The key thing to appreciating your blog more is realising that you can't just take elements of peoples lives without having to deal with the stuff that comes with it. You can't have their fancy photographer without having to spend your weekend driving to new locations and posing in the middle of the street with gawping passersby wondering what's going on. You can't have the million instagram followers without people commenting on your posts like you're not even there. You can't expect to have as much free time if you're heading off to meetings or glued to your laptop editing, networking and tweeting around the clock!

There is nothing wrong with having a smaller audience, and there is nothing wrong with you if you haven't reached internet fame. The internet is a funny old place so don't let it eat you up and spit you out! They say the key to happiness is gratitude!
Must Read: Tips On How To Develop Your Personal Style


  1. What a lovely and encouraging post! Great tips :) x


  2. Great tips! Will definitely be checking out that website, thanks :)

    Becca xx


  3. Such a lovely post :) and some really good tips too!


  4. I am so grateful for this post. Thanks so much! It made me realize that we should be thankful for what we have and also, proud of our work♥
    Lakshmi in Trance

  5. Love this post, you gave some really great tips! I love what you said about seeing how great your blog really is!

    Priyanka | http://glamourandgiggles19.blogspot.com/

  6. the contents of this post is very helpful, I ended up taking down notes =)

  7. I love posts like this Thank you for your time!



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