Have a Clear Out
Look through your make up collection and decide what to keep and throw away anything that is outdated. When I did this, the amount of blue mascara and glitter blusher I found was ridiculous. I can now conclude that I am a make up hoarder. I may not use an eye shadow for four years but I like to keep in there 'just in case'. So, I let go of this attitude and threw out all the make up I had in my possession that I don't use and will never see myself using again. My make up box was 3 times lighter and now when I go to do my make up I can clearly see everything I have. Sometimes when you have too much make up you can forget what you own and end up turning to the same products over and over again.
Get Inspired
When it comes to being stuck in a rut, instagram and pinterest are your best friends! Hundreds of different looks are so accessible, search any kind of look you want, screenshot your favourites and try them. If you own something like the naked palette, go onto Youtube and search different looks people have created using it and try them out for yourself.
You might be interested in reading this post; Pinterest Worthy Make Up Inspiration
Play Around
When you have a spare few hours or are having a lazy day/night, take the opportunity to play around with your make up. Have a look at all the products you own and see what you can come up with. You don't have to wear it out anywhere, so the pressure of getting it perfect is not there. There are no limitations so you can go completely wild and just wash it off straight after, blue eye shadow, sparkly lips, the possibilities are endless!
Take pictures
As vain as it sounds, when you try out different looks take pictures of them. Sometimes cameras can pick up on different things than a mirror can. That way you can see what works and what doesn't and can improve and change on it. Show them to your friends and see what they have to say. Even if you don't share them on social media, you can keep the pictures on your phone and have them there to look at whenever you want to create the look again.
What do you do when you find yourself in a make up or fashion rut?
Written by Adele Miner, a 20 year old English and media Student and part time blogger from Dublin who enjoys eating large quantities of pizza and dancing around her room to One Direction. adelelydia.blogspot.com
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