Top Five Reasons Why You Are Bored With Your Wardrobe

Sometimes even though we love clothes and fashion, we hate getting dressed. It's these times when we realise that we are completely bored of our wardrobe! Most of the time that entails us buying something new... but that is not often the most practical solution! Really, just like any relationship, we need to reignite the flame between us and our wardrobe. 

Which is why we've put together a list of the top five reasons why you are bored with your wardrobe and some tips on how to get over that hump!

1. You think more is better

Every girl dreams on having a big closet right? With a lot of choice getting dressed should be easy? Wrong! Less is actually more when it comes to the size of your wardrobe. If you've barely touched items of clothing in the past year then you are in desperate need of weeding out your wardrobe. 

Our top tip for this is to pack a suitcase with any clothes you don't wear. This includes sentimental pieces, pieces that you used to love and pieces that might flatter you more "one day"... Zip up that suitcase and store it under your bed. If you've not reached for any of it for 6 months, find your local clothes bin and recycle the whole lot! Alternatively, give to friends, donate to charity shops or get them tailored to flatter you. When it comes to sentimental pieces, you need to learn how to separate emotions from the material items and realise that they are weighing you down rather than lifting you up. 

2. You shop too often

When you begin to start clothes shopping every weekend, then you've got a problem. You would think shopping a lot would make your wardrobe more exciting, but we reckon you're wrong there. The thing is with shopping a lot, is that it starts to become more about having something new. So, when you don't have anything new to wear, you're bored. You're chasing the temporary high of having new things rather than appreciating and loving your wardrobe. 

Our top tip for this problem is trying to find the underlying issue as to why you are chasing this temporary high. Do you shop when sad, bored, feeling stressed or anxious? You probably need to try and focus on fixing the real problem rather than distracting yourself with new clothes. Is it linked to your job or a relationship? You need to figure out your options on how you can solve the real issue. Are you bored with your wardrobe, or bored with your life?

3. Your style has changed

Maybe you've grown out of your youthful clothes and are going for something more mature, or maybe you've strayed away from loud prints are heading into a neutral zone, who knows! One thing for sure is that pieces you've labelled "not my style anymore" can still be incorporated into your current style in some way if you're clever. Maybe you don't wear trainers now because they make you feel like a teenager? How about mixing them with a shirt or a blazer to add a cool casual spin to a smart outfit. 
Must read: 18 Ways To Wear Trainers
4. You stick to the same old combinations
You pull out your favourite cami top and you pair it with your favourite skinny jeans for the hundredth time and wonder why you're getting bored with your wardrobe? You need venture into the depths of your wardrobe and find new clothing combinations that you haven't tried before. Ever worn your shirt under your dress? A dress as a skirt? Or maybe trousers under that dress that is a bit too short now? So by all means pull out that favourite cami top, but be sure to push yourself to wear it with something you've never worn before. Just try the combination on and you might be surprised! 

5. You aren't buying what you need

If it's cold and miserable outside and you're sticking with the same old comfortable clothes, then you might need to think about buying some more stylish comfortable clothes. For example, instead of your plain old knit you've had for years go for this season's highly coveted roll neck knit instead. 

There can be all sorts of situations you're dressing for that you haven't really covered enough. Like if you're going on a night out but you don't have any tops that show off your *ahem* best assets, then that's what you need to be looking for when you go shopping. Being bored of your wardrobe could be down to the fact that you're buying things you like, but not the things you need. With a clear idea of what you need in mind, you can aim to buy things that you both like and need. So take note next time when you you're looking for something that isn't there in your wardrobe. If you don't have anything that goes with those high-waisted palm print culottes, then can find something that does!

Do you get bored of you wardrobe? What do you do to overcome it?
Must Read: Ultimate Guide to Creating a Versatile and Wearable Wardrobe


  1. I'm the worst for being bored with my wardrobe, I find it hard buying for my shape so when I find things I like I overwear them and get bored! Wish I could buy more clothes that I like! x

    Through New Eyes | Beauty Blog

  2. Great post! Helped me so much with my wardrobe!
    I get bored with my wardrobe very fast, but I don`t go shopping so often ;)
    I think trying other combinations will help! :)



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