How To Feel Better Without Makeup

We admit it, we love makeup! There is no better feeling that dolling yourself up with a flawless face. However, there are those days when you might want to go for that minimal look or there are days when you simply don't have the time for your usual makeup routine. Regardless of those reasons, we at least recommend going makeup free for a few days every now and again in order to give your skin a break. For us, going makeup free means that you need to keep up with the maintenance of your natural features. Today we have put together a list of the things you can do to make yourself feel better without makeup!

1. Look after your skin!
Don't forget to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize for beautiful skin without makeup. A lot of skin problems can be put down to excessive use of makeup, so it's important to give your skin a break. Splashing your face with cold water will help close up your pores, exfoliating will help remove dead skin cells which can cause break outs and cleansing will help remove oils and dirt from your skin. Also, don't forget to exfoliate your lips for them to look at their best when bare.

2. Fake tan

Applying some fake tan or a tinted moisturiser to your face (and body) can make you feel a lot better about your natural skintone as it will help even it out and hide dark circles.

3. Keep those eyebrows maintained

We needn't tell you that 2014 was the year for eyebrows, and yes the trend was to have them big and bold and most of us used makeup products to help achieve this. So much so, that taking off our makeup sometimes left us wondering if we had any eyebrows at all! Well, in order to feel confident about them without makeup, we need to go right back to accepting their natural shape. If you've over plucked them, let them grow back (natural oils such as coconut or olive oil can help speed up growth). Then shape your eyebrows with the help of a professional (or a youtube guru...) in order to make the most of your natural shape when you aren't filling them in. Finally, if your eyebrows are light then you can tint them to make them darker and this will add more definition.

4. Tint those eyelashes
Tinting works well for your eyelashes too! They may not add the thickness and fullness of mascara, but it will help them stand out and open your eyes more.

5. There is nothing wrong with a bit of transparency
Some may call this cheating, but we assure you it's not! You don't have to abandon beauty products all together as we think anything transparent goes for makeup-free days. We're talking clear eyebrow gel, lip balms and transparent powder if you have oily skin.

6. Keep your hair looking fresh
A great way to look put together without a face of makeup is by having great hair! Keep it clean and shiny by using conditioning hair masks and make sure to get split ends cut regularly. Try to cut down on washing it too much as this will strip out your natural oils meaning it will get greasier more often when your hair overcompensates. Also avoid using too much heat by finding some "no heat hairstyle tutorials" on youtube!

7. And finally...
Be confident, smile and accept that you can feel beautiful and look beautiful without makeup! Makeup is fun, it's a hobby and it can help you feel more yourself, but keeping up the maintenance of your natural features can help make the transition from makeup to no makeup a little smoother.

How do you make yourself feel better when not wearing makeup?


  1. these are all great tips thankyou!



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